Fan Packs - In Progress
Okay, I'm plugging away at the fan packs. Everyone who has donated SHOULD get their first pack some time tomorrow.SHOULD.
This, of course, is assuming I don't die or get distracted or something.
But what are the chances of that hey something shiny!
What were we talking about?
Oh yeah. The thingys will be sent out tomorrow.
I'm in no hurry. As long as i get something awesome!
Take your time.
I didn't know gay porn was shiny...
This will seem random, and I promise, it's not SPAM...
I need a gaming expert, naturally my first thought turned to [GM]Dave.
And now that I've sucked up...
I work at a college, we're trying to get more students in our dorms.
Besides awe inspiring bandwidth, what other services could we provide that would entice gamers to come to school here?
Leut made me laugh.
@ Mr. JJ
Provide games to rent or borrow, organise lan event, basic stuff.
Lokkin, that is just a broad enough suggestion that it helps NO ONE. Rent games... Those kinda services are already available for a small fee... If you live within civilization. <.<
Also, and event. Specifics would be nice. Something like Halo, Super Smash Brothers, or whatnot tournaments tend to be cool.
You could set up a game room, with a really large plasma screen, and hook a couple systems up to it. Don't provide games for them, because they WILL get stolen, unfortunately. The plasma and systems are a little easier to secure, but it is still risky.
If there isn't anywhere nearby that sells gaming equipment, computer hardware and software, then consider investing in that.
Ummm, thanks!
While your comments were very general, and rather obvious, I appreciate you taking the time.
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