Thursday, September 07, 2006

When It Rains...


Susan and I are currently in the middle of a very large move. We're moving out of our small, cramped one bedroom apartment into a slightly less small, slightly less cramped one bedroom apartment.


Unfortunately, the cromagnon bipeds that run my ISP company seem unable to understand their own systems. I have been informed that my internet won't even be hooked up until tomorrow.

This, of course, creates a near limitless rage inside me that I could only handle by venting it at some poor woman at the end of a phoneline and then drowning it with a substantial amount of alcohol.

Also, while at work, I may or may not have banned everyone in Valkurm on Hades server.

Not that that would be a bad thing.

I'll be back tomorrow night with a proper update. I promise.

I will let absolutely nothing get in my way.

Unless that absolutely nothing involves Susan and the possibility of sex.

And then screw y'all.


A man's got to have priorities.


At 11:50 AM, Blogger azuza001 said...

And those prioreties are set proper good sir.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Shayde said...

Can't you just have your moogle move all of your belongings to your new apartment?

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Jess said...


*avoids Valkurm for a bit*
Yes. My home is on Hades.

It took Verizon 3 BLOODY WEEKS to get my DSL set up. Bastard swords.

I just finished moving all of my stuff to my new place. I feel for you, [GM].

At 8:15 PM, Blogger WanderingJ said...

Priorities, indeed... ;D


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