Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Welcome To Random

Okay, I don't even know how to preface this update.

Usually, I throw in a long piece about how such and such a thing is annoying/emo/stupid and how people should be suspended/banned/murdered.

I then go on to relate a recent example that relates to that thing.

But today, I had the most random GM call ever.

GM Call Description: Event problem. Player harassment.

See, now this seemed like my average GM call.

"Boo hoo, someone iz botherin mee."

And I don't really see how someone could be harassed because of the event. I mean, it's just some running around and goldfish scooping.

It looked like some dragon-related violence and a deluxe package were in order.

I logged in all ready to go. Had my dragon macro warmed up and everything.

That's when my brain got broked.

[GM]Dave>> Hail, Adventurer.
[GM]Dave>> You seem to be having a problem with the event.
Player>> Yes.
Player>> Other players are harassing me.
[GM]Dave>> Are they interfering with your event quest?
Player>> No, nothing like that.
[GM]Dave>> Are they verbally harassing you?
[GM]Dave>> I could check the logs.
Player>> Not exactly.
[GM]Dave>> Can I buy a freakin' vowel or something?
[GM]Dave>> I have no idea what you want.
Player>> Other players are bothering me non-stop.
Player>> It's making it hard to play.
[GM]Dave>> Just blist the players and move on.
[GM]Dave>> Christ, don't you people read the manual?
Player>> It's not that simple.
Player>> It's always different people.
[GM]Dave>> Why the hell are different people harassing you?
[GM]Dave>> Are you playing a Mithra?
[GM]Dave>> That shit is pretty standard.
Player>> No, I'm a Taru.
[GM]Dave>> Wait...
[GM]Dave>> What does this have to do with the event?
Player>> That's how they're harassing me.
Player>> They keep trying to scoop me.
[GM]Dave>> ...
[GM]Dave>> I'm sorry. What?
Player>> People keep coming up to me doing a scoop emote.
Player>> Then they say "Mystery box! Mystery box!"
Player>> I had to log in on my mule just to send the GM call.
[GM]Dave>> Why in the hell are they doing that?
Player>> Well...
Player>> My main character's name is Goldfish...
[GM]Dave>> ...
[GM]Dave>> I need to go lie down now.

What in the hell am I supposed to do there?

I decided that the best place to find an answer is at the bottom of a bottle of Jack Daniel's.

Apparently, the answer is drunk.


At 1:18 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...


At 2:36 PM, Blogger creature124 said...

FFXI+3 expansions: $60
Several months of fees: $58ish
A Taru named goldfish: Priceless

There are some things money cant buy. For everything else, theres your dads credit card.

At 5:04 PM, Blogger WanderingJ said...

What the hell kind of idoit names their character something as stupid as Goldfish???

Seriously... I thought I would've heard it all...

At 8:29 PM, Blogger none said...

Wow... just wow. I have to agree. This left me speechless.

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Bellemithra said...

HAHA! Nice one!

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Wolftin said...

What did that person think a [GM] would do about that??? Change his name till the event ended?? For the love of god play along with something like that
/em breaks net and swims away

then /point /laugh and go on your way.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger duff said...

Ditto.. Sure, I can see that Goldfish is a pretty stupid name, but it seems there's more going on here that I'm not catching. Can someone explain?

At 10:54 AM, Blogger duff said...

kalina - thanks, makes a bit more sense now.


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