Monday, June 19, 2006

People Not Liking You =/= Discrimination

Why is it when something bad happens to someone else it's funny, but when it happens to you it's discrimination?

I'm sure you're very cool.

I bet all of the other guys in the A/V club think you're "leet".

But that doesn't mean that anyone not liking you must be discrimination.

Let's look at the definition of discrimination, shall we?

Discrimination (noun): The differential treatment of individuals considered to belong to particular groups or categories, usually related to race, religion, gender, or physical/mental disabilities.

Now, unless you are trying to argue that people calling you stupid falls under "mental disabilities", you can shut the hell up right now.

People are not discriminating against you when they don't invite you to parties.

People are not discriminating against you when they don't let you participate in events.

People are not discriminating against you when they don't respond to you.

They just don't like you.

And as awesome as you think you are, people are free to not like you.

I know it can be confusing. You are so incredibly cool (except replace the word "cool", with "the total opposite of cool") and yet they still don't like you.

Obviously, there must be something else wrong. Obviously, there must be some form of discrimination.

I mean, how could anyone not like you?

Trust me. It's not that hard.

Today, I was doing my usual routine. Craft, ignore GM call, craft, ignore GM call.

Whisky, ignore GM call.

Just as one of my synths finished, yet another GM call popped up.

I should really find a way to remove the entire GM call function. It would save me so much time.

But this one looked different.

GM Call Description: Player Discrimination. Please Investigate.

I was torn. I hate discrimination, but at the same time, my moron detector was lit up like a Christmas tree.


I really need to start drinking more.

[GM]Dave>> Hail, Adventurer.
[GM]Dave>> I understand you are being persecuted.
[GM]Dave>> Do you need help organizing a march?
Player>> No, I am being discriminated against.
[GM]Dave>> That's what persecuted means, genius.
Player>> You need to go ban them.
[GM]Dave>> Them who?
Player>> THEM.
Player>> The people who are discriminating me.
[GM]Dave>> It's like trying to talk to a wall.
Player>> What do u mean?
[GM]Dave>> Listen carefully.
[GM]Dave>> WHO
[GM]Dave>> IZ
[GM]Dave>> THEY?
Player>> It's a linkshell.
[GM]Dave>> A linkshell is discriminating against you?
Player>> Totally.
[GM]Dave>> And how exactly are they doing this?
Player>> They won't give me a pearl.
[GM]Dave>> ...
[GM]Dave>> They won't give you a pearl.
Player>> Yes.
[GM]Dave>> And you call this discrimination.
Player>> Yes.
[GM]Dave>> And you're obviously retarded.
Player>> Ye... HEY!
[GM]Dave>> I am oh so sorry for your oppression.
[GM]Dave>> I cannot imagine what you have endured.
Player>> It's unfair.
[GM]Dave>> Being retarded often is.
[GM]Dave>> You do get good parking spots though.
Player>> I mean them not giving me a pearl.
[GM]Dave>> So you're cool with being retarded?
[GM]Dave>> That's good.
Player>> I'm not retarded.
[GM]Dave>> That's it.
[GM]Dave>> Never give up.
Player>> Are you going to ban them or not?
[GM]Dave>> Let me review my manual.
[GM]Dave>> Hmmm...
[GM]Dave>> I'm leaning toward no here.
Player>> What do you mean no?
[GM]Dave>> It's just like yes. Only not.
[GM]Dave>> And it comes with a side order of kiss my ass.
Player>> But discrimination is against the ToS.
[GM]Dave>> Yes. Yes, it is.
[GM]Dave>> But people hating you for being stupid is not.
Player>> They're being elitist.
[GM]Dave>> Sigh.
[GM]Dave>> Fine, let me go talk to the leader.

Minutes pass...

[GM]Dave>> What a nice guy.
[GM]Dave>> Good news. We worked it out.
Player>> They're giving me a pearl?
[GM]Dave>> No. You're still retarded.
[GM]Dave>> But they did give me a pearl.
Player>> WHAT?!
[GM]Dave>> Isn't it a lovely shade of blue?
[GM]Dave>> Hold on a second.
[GM]Dave>> Chatting in my LS.
[GM]Dave>> This player I'm talking to is a total retard.
[GM]Dave>> mt
[GM]Dave>> Uh oh.
[GM]Dave>> I'm sorry. That comment qualifies as discrimination.
[GM]Dave>> I'm afraid I have to suspend you now.
[GM]Dave>> Well, by "suspend", I actually mean "ban".
[GM]Dave>> But you get the gist.
[GM]Dave>> My hands are tied. I'd help you out...
[GM]Dave>> But I already filed a complaint.
[GM]Dave>> And we take all complaints like this seriously.
[GM]Dave>> Yeah.
[GM]Dave>> Tough call.
[GM]Dave>> Were you offended by your comments, too?
[GM]Dave>> I'll make a note on your file.
[GM]Dave>> I don't know what good that will do.
[GM]Dave>> Apparently, two people have complained about you.
Player>> @%^#$%#$&%^@!*%^&*
[GM]Dave>> I can transfer you to our complaints manager.


[GM]Dave>> Are you a fan of irony?


Player>> Oh crap.

Jormungand hits Player for 15,293 points of damage.
Player was defeated by Jormungand.

[GM]Dave>> Haha. That retard just got killed.
[GM]Dave>> Dammit. mt

Listen. Everyone has the right to not like you.

They don't have to include you. No matter what your mom says.

Please stop saying discrimination.

If you do not, I cannot be held responsible for my actions.

Seriously. I just delete the logs when I'm done, so they really can't hold me responsible.

And remember, dragons never discriminate.


At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[GM]Dave>> Haha. That retard just got killed.
[GM]Dave>> Dammit. mt


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Rathanel said...

GM]Dave>> What a nice guy.
[GM]Dave>> Good news. We worked it out.
Player>> They're giving me a pearl?
[GM]Dave>> No. You're still retarded.
[GM]Dave>> But they did give me a pearl.
Player>> WHAT?!
[GM]Dave>> Isn't it a lovely shade of blue?
[GM]Dave>> Hold on a second.
[GM]Dave>> Chatting in my LS.
[GM]Dave>> This player I'm talking to is a total retard.
[GM]Dave>> mt

You, sir, are a genius.

*proceeds to die laughing*

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Hawklord2112 said...

Player>> What do you mean no?
[GM]Dave>> It's just like yes. Only not.


At 4:37 AM, Blogger Goblin Smithy said...



This is the only reply you'll get from me, as it is quite obvious the only thing you are after is attention.

I really don't care if you like the blog or not. I don't even have to point out the stupidity of your posts because everyone here has already done so.

The truth of the matter is, you can't really do anything. I could delete your posts with a couple of clicks, but I'm going to leave them there just so you can see what little effect your ranting has.

So, feel free to post whatever comments you like. It's funny to watch someone make a fool of themselves.

Just remember that no matter what you write, it still has no impact on anyone.

Do you know the only thing worse than rage? Impotent rage.

Think about it.

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Rathanel said...


14 lines of text hardly qualifies as half the post. I believe most people would consider it highlighting your favorite part... just happens in this case that my favorite part consists of more than just a one-liner.

And also, people coming to read comments since their last time here probably won't read the blog entry again, so it will not, in fact, be "fresh in their minds".

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Bellemithra said...

"[GM]Dave>> It's just like yes. Only not.
[GM]Dave>> And it comes with a side order of kiss my ass."

I almost died right there!

At 10:32 AM, Blogger LittleDramaBoy said...

faker said:
"Also, 'They are just jealous that they are suck so bad.' makes entirely no sense, so I say that you fail at life, and need to go back to school to learn to construct a literate sentence.

Me getting out? I think not. Until you arrogant people come up with something good, and that doesn't look like it will be happening anytime soon, [GM]DAVE will get my attention."

Your composition skills could use some polishing up as well, Mr. Faker. Grammar is fine, but your use of the comma is almost scary. I suggest reading up on rule #5 here:

As for the "Me getting out?" line, you might want to revise it to two different sentences to convey your meaning correctly. "Me? Get out?"

The next line leaves much to be examined since your context jumps around a bit too much. A suggestion is the use of parantheses: "Until you arrogant people [can] come up with something good (and that doesn't look like it will be happening soon), [GM]DAVE will get my attention."

My critique is for composition and ease of reading. Grammar rules are fine, but overusing them can cause most readers to lose grasp of what you're saying. I could go on, but now I'm getting bored. And hungry. Mainly hungry.

~Dramanue de la Rosa Negra

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Shayde said...

My husband e-mailed me this post at work. I almost keeled over from oxygen deprivation -- laughing waaaaay too hard & trying to stifle it so as not to disturb my supervisor...

Player>> Are you going to ban them or not?
[GM]Dave>> Let me review my manual.
[GM]Dave>> Hmmm...
[GM]Dave>> I'm leaning toward no here.
Player>> What do you mean no?
[GM]Dave>> It's just like yes. Only not.

I've already started using "it's just like yes, only not" at work. If you would like me to discontinue the practice, I will be happy to do so (as far as you know).

This may be your best [GM]Dave post yet. It's a close battle with the fishing bot post, but this may have surpassed that one by a whisker.

At 7:38 AM, Blogger K-1 said...

[GM]Dave>> A linkshell is discriminating against you?
Player>> Totally.
[GM]Dave>> And how exactly are they doing this?
Player>> They won't give me a pearl.


Did Smokeone (Asura) got rejected from another HNMLS?


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