Wednesday, November 01, 2006

[GM]Dave Marathon - Vol. 2

Apparently, SE felt that people just weren't addicted enough.

You always hear stories about people falling over dead while playing Everquest or Wow. That never really happened with FFXI.

Maybe it's the warning that comes up before you start to play.

Maybe it's because our players are smart enough to remember to breathe.

Still, as bad as people dying is, it really says something about your game.

Dev1>> How's your game coming along?
Dev2>> We had three people die yesterday.
Dev2>> They just forgot how to live.
Dev1>> Damn.
Dev1>> That's a good game.

The only game this rule would not apply for is Duke Nukem Forever. And that's because people are dying of old age.


Still, the FF series never really went through that.

Obviously, something had to be done.

On a related note, FFXII hit stores yesterday.


At 8:35 AM, Blogger Argentos of Windurst said...

I almost called in to work sick, but... I caved. I can't start skipping out on work to play FFXII, or I'll never be able to afford the finer things in life, like... food... and water...

At 1:59 PM, Blogger token black guy said...

damn even I was going to take a day or 2 off of work to play FF12 but the same thing occured to me. work=money money=life. FF=life. money=life FF=life GF=slowing down process of life. money=FF=life=GF= AUUGHHHHHHH!!!!

At 2:00 PM, Blogger David "Riskichi" Savage said...

"[GM]Dave! Tell the developers to make everything hella faster, hella easier and hella better looking! You have five minutes. GO! "


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Remus said...

Duke Nukem Forever... still waiting on that one! ;)


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