Saturday, October 07, 2006

Short Break

Really sorry for the lack of updates last night and tonight.

We had a death in the family. Not a joke, not a story.

I am attending to personal matters this weekend, but I'll try and make time for an update tomorrow. I know some of you like to have something to read each day, but sadly, I can't offer that right now.

Hopefully tomorrow.

I'd prefer not to talk about this, so if you're going to make a comment, I'll give you a discussion topic:

White Mages who charge for raises. They suck.



At 9:22 PM, Blogger Justine said...

Sorry to hear that Dave! ;_;

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Baesius said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss [GM]Dave, I hope all goes well for you.

On whms who charge a fee to raise:
They're quite easy to rip off, for obvious reasons.

At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:17 PM, Blogger Kelley said...

I'm sorry, [GM]Dave. :( My sympathies!

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to sound trite, but I'm sorry for your loss. Hang in there, Dave.

At 4:30 AM, Blogger Argentos of Windurst said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 4:54 AM, Blogger Argentos of Windurst said...

Well then, to hop right in on the discussion topic -- yes, yes they do. As a current level 35 WHM, I generally put all sorts of "I'm busy" commentary in my search comment, but all the same, when asked for a Raise, if it's not out of my way I'm glad to help.

Why would anyone in his or her right mind charge people to be raised? Okay, I get it, 150 MP is a lot. Big freaking deal. Get over it. The person laying on the floor just lost 10% of his experience, and you want to take more away from him? Why, because it costs you three minutes of your time to cast a spell and regain your MP? It's ridiculous, the way some players think.

"Oh, I have what you need, I must be able to make a profit off of you!" That's when I stroll along and say "I'll raise you for free, because that guy's an asshat." So what if it pisses other WHMs off? What are they going to do... report me to you? For what, being NICE to people. Oh no, that's a freaking crime! I must obviously be banned for helping people out for the sake of doing a good deed and not charging them out the ass! I'm a horrible businessman!

It's just a game, people. Damn.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Atira said...

Sorry to hear about your loss [GM] Dave. I've been reading your blog for a long time and I thought that posting might be appropriate now. Hope all goes well.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger creature124 said...

Whm who chare for raasies are evil sons (and daughters) of bitches who need to be shot.

Being a WHM is all about helping people (this being the reaon I chose this as my basic job to get to 30) and chargeing for something so universally needed by the uncountable n00bs (who very often are poor buggers, also from experience) is a crime againt Vana'diel.

Teleports are different though. But anyone chareging more than 2-3k per tele must also be shot.

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry to hear man, feel better soon. I might be going through similar soon.

WHMs suck, full stop.

Unless they're at my level.

and looking for a party.

Then their omnipotence is a step down from [GM]Dave.

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Ark said...

lol Natch, that's just unfortunate when you hear it on THAT day in particular. :P

My deepest condolences to Dave. Respect.

As someone who plays WoW but not FFXI, I can still see how bad it must be to have a WHM overcharge for a teleport or raise.

Hell, I'm glad that as a Mage, I don't charge anything at all when people want me to teleport them to another city. Even though other Mages typically do, I'm just such a nice person. Before I deleted my Shaman character, when playing him I would ALWAYS resurrect any players I found, whether they were logged in or not. More often than that, I would find someone desperately in need of healing while in the middle of a dangerous fight, so I'd heal him, and thus the monsters would be attracted to me instead - in which case I'd bust out the good ol' hammer and spiked turtle shell shield and send them to meet their ancestors (if you get what I mean :P).

So yeah, I know how you guys must feel about those WHMs who charge for raises or overcharge for ports because there's always something like that happening in Orgrimmar or the Undercity. Sucks bad, man.


At 5:49 PM, Blogger creature124 said...

A WoWer!


At 6:22 PM, Blogger Grenade71822 said...

To late. I play wow to as a palidin and i would raise, heal or buff even if they we some extrmely high level. Being nice goes along way. A very long way. And sorry for your loss Dave.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Ark said...

oh look

I've multiplied.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger creature124 said...

damn...i was too late to stop the contagin from spreading...if only I had realised the scourge WoW would become eariler...then mabe a united front could have stoped it is too late. There will be no end to the World of Warcraft.

Oh by the way the newest southpark rocks. totally mocks WoW. great. Make Love, Not Warcraft.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

As a BLM75/WHM37 I don't charge for Teleports, Raises or D2's. However, if I say "I'm Sorry, I'm busy right now" all you're going to earn for bugging me then is my /blist. I especially hate it when I've journeyed back to Windurst to check on my chocobo and do a little crafting, and someone starts pestering me for a Teleport ... I've left my Home Point in Whitegate for a REASON, and it would take me another 20 minutes to get BACK to Windurst. So giving you a Teleport is out of the question, unlss you want to wait until I'm NOT busy anymore.

The one I found the most annoying though was an idiot who sent me a /tell from Valkurm Dunes asking for a D2 ... when I was in Ordelles Caves!! I'm like, um ... sure ... come to me. Ordelles Cave's (G-9).

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Bellemithra said...

awww {/comfort}

My sympathies go out to you and your family!

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Meroduin said...

<3 [GM]Dave.

White Mages who charge for Raises - without a good reason - suck. If I'm in an XP party, and you ask me for Raise because your manaburn screwed up and you want me to come halfway across Caedarva Mire to raise you, you better offer me some cash.

If I'm running across Valkurm Dunes and not /anon, then for the love of Altana don't insult me by offering money. ><

The most insulting is people from my own linkshell who offer me money to come raise. That just makes me crazy. I didn't answer because I was already teleporting, you moron. Who charges Linkshell members for raises? What the hell kind of LS did they come from to have that mindset that they can't get help without gil? I don't want your money! I want you to stand between me and the Jailer of Hope at all times! I want you not to freaking go AFK in Dynamis! And I want you to take me along on Assaults! Don't offer to pay me to take a mere 5 minutes out of my crafting day! ><

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Hawklord2112 said...

theres often a WHM in jeuno on my server (Ragnarok) that gives free teles.
which is nice, but time consuming, i usually give him cookies in return. everyone likes cookies.

charging for Raises, especially random-raises, is, as has been said, ass-hattery.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Kite said...

WHMs charging for Raise suck.

What is next? WHMs charging for cures? Fun partying that would be >.>
Tank>> Heal me!
WHM>> Cure I, II or III?
Tank>> Wahtta? Just gimme a Cure!
WHM offers to trade.
Tank>> WTF are you doing?!
WHM>> Cure's don't come free.
WHM>> 200 gil. ((Can I have it?))
Mob hits Tank for an outrages amount of damage.
Tank was defeated by Mob.
BLM starts casting Warp II on WHM.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Ark said...

Too bad I don't swing that way. :P


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Marcio said...

Ha! As WHM main i implemented Charging for raises due to the following reasons:

1- When I am in the middle of doing nothing 8 zones from you and you want me to sneak, invi and invest my time to raise you and you and when I get to you and raise you don't even have the decency to say Thank You, the little heart I have, dies a little bit inside.

2- I found that people are more greatfull for your services when they pay, than not.

3- After teleporting, chocoboing (which i pay a fee), going throuh zones, or OPing (which I pay a fee), spend 20~ mins on my way to you to find out you're already up and you didn't have the decency to tell me... (I add penalty to that).

So if you think being a WHM, and asking to be paid for a service... is rude... then Why do BLM get the leasure of being paid 30% of KS or BC runs? ... all they did was use Magic and their time.

You're right... they're not WHM so that justifies the fact they can charge. After all we are just giving you EXP back. Why is that so important?

(instructions: please use sarcasm when reading the previous statement)

Apperantly many people are willing to hm... wait 40 mins to save 1k exp. In 40 mins you can probably double that ammount in a normal party.

I will not charge under the following circumstances however:
- We are in the same party / event
- I happen to pass by and you were face down *(unless ur an elvaan).
- We are in the same area.
- I'm feeling generous and I'll be under the influence of thoughts "Karma" Do good to receive good....
- Or you might just catch me to be really bored and I look forward to raise you.

Seriously... a thank you goes a long way.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Marcio said...

i mean to also add...

on #2

Paying to raise someone is kind of ... stupid if you ask me. Sure i raise friends and even move great lengths for them... but strangers? You don't see NINjas giving WHM echo drops when they are silenced, why should we pay to raise you and get no profit / thanks?

~ tsk

At 5:43 AM, Blogger Celina Jeff said...

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