Thursday, July 06, 2006

Lag Happens

Do me a favor, okay?

I want you to go out and buy 32 top of the line servers.

Well... 31 top of the line servers. Find an old Pentium 166 and write Lakhshmi on it in magic marker.

Then I want you to design, program, and install an incredibly complex multiplayer game onto those servers.

Then I want you to put those servers in Japan.

THEN I want you to distribute that game to millions of people all over the globe.

Done yet?

Okay, now I want you to do it all with absolutely no lag between the servers and those millions of people.

Did I mention the whole thing had to be compatible with a 56k modem?

I'll give you a minute to finish up.


You can't do that? Why not?

Oh... That's right...


Listen very, very carefully.

Japan is very far away.

It's about... oh, I don't know...

Over 5000 miles away.

So, believe it or not, there will be a little bit of lag.

We're oh so sorry.


I can't go a single damned day without some idiot sending a dozen GM calls about how their system is "all slow and shit".

Why do people insist on making idiotic calls like this?

If you don't like lag, there are a few simple ways to resolve this problem:

a) move to Japan

b) change the laws of physics

c) throw your computer into a woodchipper.

Seriously, people. The game has been going for over 3 years.

I think it's time to let it go.

I was on the late shift last night. As usual, I was working very hard on a stack of paperwork (read: bottle of Jack Daniels) and the night was actually going well.

This of course meant something bad had to happen.


Yay. A GM call.

How's that for timing, huh?

GM Call Description: Lag During Besieged. Fix.

Oh, there's an idea. Fix it.

Why didn't we think of that?

Perhaps I will take some time to educate this player on the technological limitations of a global data transfer system.

Or feed him to a dragon.

Whatever's faster.

[GM]Dave>> Hello, Adventurer.
[GM]Dave>> I understand you're experiencing some lag.
Player>> Yeah.
Player>> I'm lagging out during Besieged.
[GM]Dave>> Really? That's strange.
[GM]Dave>> I don't think anyone else has ever lagged before.
Player>> Everybody lags.
[GM]Dave>> Hey!
[GM]Dave>> You're not completely retarded!
[GM]Dave>> Will wonders never cease?
Player>> Why would you say that?
[GM]Dave>> Well... you apparently realize that everyone lags.
[GM]Dave>> And yet, you made a GM call about it.
Player>> Yes, I did.
Player>> You guys should fix it.
[GM]Dave>> Wow! That's a great idea!
[GM]Dave>> Would you like a job?
[GM]Dave>> We need creative thinkers like you.
Player>> Really?
[GM]Dave>> ...
[GM]Dave>> Maybe I was a little fast with the not completely.
Player>> Just fix the damn lag.
Player>> It's not fair.
[GM]Dave>> Hold on a second...
[GM]Dave>> How is it not fair?
Player>> Players in Japan are closer to the servers.
Player>> They get less lag.
[GM]Dave>> We had to put them somewhere.
Player>> They should be in the US.
[GM]Dave>> You're in the US, aren't you?
Player>> ... Yeah.
[GM]Dave>> I'm shocked.
[GM]Dave>> Listen, Moron... Do you mind if I call you Moron?
Player>> HEY!
[GM]Dave>> You see, Moron, it's not actually possible to "fix" lag.
[GM]Dave>> Lag occurs for a very good reason.
Player>> And why is that?
[GM]Dave>> Because we hate you.
Player>> WHAT?!
[GM]Dave>> It's simple really.
[GM]Dave>> You lag because you're retarded.
Player>> That makes no sense!
[GM]Dave>> Sure it does.
[GM]Dave>> Everytime you act stupid, you're going to lag.
Player>> You can't do that.
[GM]Dave>> Uh oh... You're retardation level just increased.
[GM]Dave>> The lag is going to get worse.
Player>> What do you mean?
[GM]Dave>> Well
[GM]Dave>> The
[GM]Dave>> Game
[GM]Dave>> Is
[GM]Dave>> Going
[GM]Dave>> To
[GM]Dave>> Slow
[GM]Dave>> Down.
Player>> Stop that.
[GM]Dave>> What
[GM]Dave>> Do
[GM]Dave>> You
[GM]Dave>> Mean?
Player>> Knock that off!
Player>> You can't treat me like that!
[GM]Dave>> Uh
[GM]Dave>> Oh.
[GM]Dave>> You
[GM]Dave>> Just
[GM]Dave>> Got
[GM]Dave>> Dumber.
[GM]Dave>> I
[GM]Dave>> Hope
[GM]Dave>> You
[GM]Dave>> Have
[GM]Dave>> A
[GM]Dave>> Lot
[GM]Dave>> Of
[GM]Dave>> Spare
[GM]Dave>> Time.
Player>> Oh Christ.
Player>> Could this get any worse.


Area: Mordion Gaol

Player>> DAMMIT!
[GM]Dave>> You
[GM]Dave>> Asked.
Player>> Can't you just let me go.
[GM]Dave>> Right
[GM]Dave>> Away.
Player>> Oh... Good.
[GM]Dave>> Right
[GM]Dave>> After
[GM]Dave>> We
[GM]Dave>> Review
[GM]Dave>> The
[GM]Dave>> ToS.
Player>> oh god
[GM]Dave>> Paragraph
[GM]Dave>> One...

He started to cry after the first half an hour.

Then he logged out.

So, I wrote a nice little script that will pick up reading as soon as he logs back in.

And will run until he reads every word of the ToS.

He should be done by 2010.

Luckily for him, there is surprising little lag in Mordion Gaol.


At 7:12 PM, Blogger creature124 said...

sorry..gotta say it...first

nice...lag does happen, but NORMAL people get used to it...

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Cruven said...

yesh i love the way you get people to hate you then you shrug it off. Just as long as you have a nice "report" to write aftwards ^_^

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Justine said...

Will Jormy eat that idiot in MG? :o

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Vicente Munoz said...

Damn if I could count the times Morons have called at work complaining that they get kicked out of a server I would be so fucking rich I would burn down every god damn ISP in the US.

The Theory of the Internet is pretty much interesting but try explaining that to someone who types y r u t3h suK and seems to have diahrrea on his fucking mouth.

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Texgnome1 said...

Nice Dave. So good to see the torment of the e-tarded recommence. Sending a GM call about lag... sigh, will they never learn?

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Yensil blogs again! said...

...You made him read the ToS

Damn that's harsh.

But still...I play Maple Story, which is free, which means I'm not paying them money to buy lots of servers with, and my computer is slow already.
And I never complain about the lag.
Bitch had it coming.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Bitneko said...

If besiged had lag, then it would be less challenging. Meaning that poor warp taru wouldn't get as many breaks from his 24/7 Teleport- Jeuno service.

Think of the Tarus.^^

At 2:10 AM, Blogger Squirt said...

Reeree says people who refer to comedy as gold are retarded because gold is not in hair auntly funny like ninjas, monkeys, and fee... you know, um, poop. I think she said it was oxymoronic but I didn't see what it had to do with oxen at all so she spit at me.

If you think it is funny, you should say "comedy ninja monkey poopies", which is way funnier than gold anyday.

Except Firesday.

Gold is really funny on Firesday because that's when it dresses up in a pink unitard and does the electric slide.

I love the electric slide!

Okay bye.

At 8:05 PM, Blogger none said...

b) change the laws of physics

c) throw your computer into a woodchipper.


At 5:28 AM, Blogger Ctt Walla said...

hey its 2010 now, wonder if that poor bastard is done hearing the tos yet...


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